Our Business Model
Positive Energies works in close cooperation with our clients to design and implement a highly successful bicycle program. We assist with ideas and concepts to get the bikes sold to the end users. Positive Energies is remunerated via a small commission from the producer. Due to our huge purchasing power, long vendor relationships and deep knowledge, we can provide you with unmatched quality and pricing. It’s a simple idea; if we do a good job and our clients are successful, so are we.

The Products
The staff members of Positive Energies are among the most experienced in the bicycle business.. We know how to make and sell bicycles. We understand about the developing market for electric bikes because we are pioneers in creating this segment within the bicycle industry. We have knowledge of what can sell and what cannot. Together with you and your market-specific knowledge, we can achieve great results.

Quality Control
We consider quality control to be absolutely essential for each and every bicycle. This is simply the foundation for a well-built product and its success. This philosophy is not enacted to save some warranty claims, but much more to save you, the stores and especially the end consumers from unnecessary bother and to maintain a Positive experience all the way through the sales stage. Of course, this will not prevent us from going to your home or place of business right away and fixing any issue if we have missed anything in our QC or if some unforeseen situation occurs.

The Designs
We are working with two of the best designers in Denmark and two very famous designers in Italy to offer some of the most innovative and beautiful designs ever seen in the bicycle industry. Those designers have created products for MOMO, FIAT, Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, B&O, Principia, HTH and other famous brands. They will follow the Positive Energies strategy of design, not for design’s sake, but for the consumer’s satisfaction.

The Open Book
When you get a quote for your bicycle model, you will not just get a BOM list with a price in the end. Positive Energies works with open-book calculations. This makes it easier for you to downgrade or upgrade your specifications to reach your target price.When you get a quote for your bicycle model, you will not just get a BOM list with a price in the end. Positive Energies work with open book calculations. This make it more easy for you to downgrade or upgrade your specifications to reach your target price.
The Manufacturers

We will constantly strive to provide the best products at the best price for our clients because if we do not succeed with this task, no one involved will benefit. Positive Energies is not bound to only one supplier. We know which company is best to build each type of bicycle and will constantly explore the market for the best producer at best price for you.

Service and Complaints
All our electric components have a unique number in our positive registration system. This system makes life easier for our customers, as all the way from manufacturing to the end consumer there will be no doubt as to which component is needed, when it was produced and who was the customer. This might be the best track-back system in the bicycle industry. This system is on par with the best automotive standard. We did not rely on any bicycle maker to handle this. This is one important Positive benefit you get form working with Positive Energies. Our clients do not need to communicate with suppliers about defects because that is part of our service.

Education and Knowledge
Thorough knowledge of the product is the basis for our success in the market. Positive Energies is all about this knowledge and we will support you in getting the most up-to-date information about our technology. We offer to educate your sales staff in order to make you and your company well-equipped to take on any challenge in the market and to give you the best possible opportunity for success.